Which Dark Souls Character Are You & Dark Souls 3 Characters
So risk taker, how far have you been in the Dark Soul game? It is undoubtedly one of the most difficult games that have been encountered by gamers because of the hidden and exposed threats around you. Hats off to the ones who are able to successfully sweep the levels because it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. At first, the things seem quite facile as all you need to do is heal yourself by being around a bonfire (markings of the levels) but this is actually the hardest obstacle.
But But But, in order to be a part of the Dark Souls quest, you have to figure out which Dark Souls character are you? For that, you must answer the Dark Souls Quiz ASAP!!!
The story inculcates a war between darkness and light. This war is risky and can take up several nights to complete a couple of levels. The Dark Souls series initiates with the world where the land is empty and vague. But, the ultimate power of “First Flame” ignites forces that came to be known as "Lord Souls". They included Nito the First of the Dead, the Witch of Izalith, Gwyn the Lord of Sunlight, and the Furtive Pygmy. These were the first beings on the planet and sprang life!
As you know that two of a trade seldom agrees, so consequently chaos began to spread. No one was able to live peacefully and the humans began to vanish from the land. Every being becomes cursed and so you have to save the humanity that is in grave danger. If you won’t act quickly then life would become extinct. The only way is to ring the sacred bells. One bell is located at the top of the Undead Burg, which is protected by the Belfry Gargoyles. The other one is deep in the bowels of the earth beyond Chaos Witch Quelaag. Even here the tasks do not end and there is still a long way ahead.

Bandai Namco Dark Souls Characters - Devianart
Here, we are about to treat you with one of the favorite Dark Souls characters. It is would help you out in the Dark Souls character creation so get ready to know what you’ve never known before…
Solaire of Astora
The Solaire of Astora is a character who gives off the vibes of a determined knight. This knight wears metal armor which makes us feel that Solaire of Astora has been wearing it for years. It has some patches of darkness and scratches here and there. The thing that must be noticed here is the fact that on the front side of his armor he wears sort of a flag which has a white base and a bright sun proudly showing off its rays spread all around (symbolically). We think that Solaire's gameplay is quite similar to one in the Skyrim Quiz.
You can summon the Solaire of Astora for your assistance at bonfires like Anor Londo. On the other hand, you can also have a helping hand in his form by summoning him at various fights, for instance with Centipede Demon, Gaping Dragon, Ornstein, Smough, and others. You must be thinking how can he be that much powerful to aid you to fight these monsters? Well, he is the follower of “Lord of Sunlight” and this scared and mighty symbol grants him unimaginable powers.
Lucatiel of Mirrah
Lucatiel is different from all other characters in the game in terms of attire as she looks more like a musketeer. She would willingly help the player because she wishes to lift the curse because of her brother. She believes that her brother came to Drangleic in order to fight against evil and since she came after him, she has started to forget everything and is losing her powers as well.
This friendship between you and Lucatiel will continue if you help her to find her brother or else she would part ways.
He is also known as Greirat of the Undead Settlement because the players would find him hidden in the High Lothric. He is found in the worst conditions as confided in a cell which was a way to keep the poor away from the sight of rich and powerful. However, Greirat has always been kind and compassionate. He was often punished for feeding the poor by stealing from the rich. Consequently, Greirat had to cover his face all along with the help of a long witch hat and employed it as a mask by making holes for eyes and for speaking.
Greirat only asks you for one thing and that is to hand the Blue Tearstone Ring to a girl named Loretta. In return, he would get ready to serve and assist you in every way possible. Unfortunately, his fate won’t let him be in peace and you would inform her that Loretta is dead. So, your journey with Greirat would kick-off and with his weapons like blades, knife, and shield, he would do everything to save you from the demons and enemies.
Crossbreed Priscilla
Hmm, you might initially get scared when you would see Crossbreed Priscilla in Painted World of Ariamis. She literally seems like smoke but has a body similar to a human and has the tail of a dragon. Well, truly it is said that Crossbreed Priscilla is an offspring of crossbreed of human with a dragon or any god. Anyhow, she is quite attractive and seems threatening with her long crowbar.
As you would proceed more in the game, Crossbreed Priscilla would ask you to leave the place without getting harmed. Contrastingly, you’d see that she is violent and dangerous to others but the complete opposite to you. She would be nice and helpful but remember that her attitude depends on your actions.
Dark Souls 3 character creation isn’t easy at all so take the Dark Souls Character Quiz in order to track which Dark Souls Character is perfect for you?