Everything About Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail

FFIV is the talk of the town these days! Get to know “Everything About Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail” before you enter the world of Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy 14 Online: Dawntrail is new in town and all video gamers are buzzing on it. Everyone is eager to jump in the game and ace it like a hero, but, this one isn’t child’s play. If you are really eager to get your hands on it then it’s better to read the detailed guide to FFIV.


Dude, this is a huge update that every gamer of FFIV: Dawntrail must know! Here’s what the chaos is all about. No matter on which console you play, you cannot play FFIV on a free trial. At one point, in order to play on the expansions and venture into new worlds, jobs, and thrills, you must have a subscription to an account. But, this isn’t all!

Everything About Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail – Square Enix

If you have a Final Fantasy 14 account on Steam, this means, it is only for that console. If you try and log in from another console via it, trust us, this isn’t possible. You would have to buy another account for that. So remember, the license you have for one console stays in that one – always.


Yes, “Final Fantasy XIV: “Dawntrail” is the shot of a new narrative arc it follows the “Endwalker” expansion which brings the storyline of Hydaelyn and Zodiark to its end and introduces the new continent of Tural. This new storyline will be vaguely cultural/political in nature to Tural, and the themes you can expect to see revolve around leadership & legacy, with overarching tones of technology.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Story
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Story – Square Enix


“Dawntrail” introduces several new features and content:

New Jobs: There are sooo many jobs available in the game. No matter which world you enter, the jobs suit the pace and you get to earn through them. For instance, Viper is for melee physical damage dealers and Pictomancer is for magical ranged physical damage dealers.

Viper is one of the new melee jobs, which are distinguished by their stylish and, at the same time, technical approach to fighting. At level 80, players must have one job and buy the Dawntrail expansion to get the Viper job quest that starts in Ul’dah. There is no particular course that allows access. Firstly, the maximum level of all job capacities will be raised from 90 to 100, and for each of the positions, some new skills will be introduced.

Pictomancer is a new magical ranged DPS job that was revealed along with information pertaining to the skills that it would possess along with the way that it would be played. It is related to the aspect of game difficulty.

New Areas: If you dare venture into new areas such as Tuliyollal, Yak T’el, Urqopacha, Kozama’uka, and Shaaloani the places have their own environments and backstories​. There is so much that you will be lost for hours without even realizing it.

Level Cap Increase: Did you know, there is a new maximum level of 100; new skills, and even abilities for all classes​? Raising the level cap to 100 for all the roles enables players to get richer as they advance a level in order to open new abilities and equipment.

New Dungeons and Raids: The new worlds involve new dungeons, which have different environments and gameplay patterns; new Raid series like “Echoes of Vana’diel”; plus, improvements to the existent systems such as the Duty Support system​ are also catching attention. It means side quests are also level-synced F. A. T. E. s, hunts, and treasure hunts will be expanded. Also, there are new eight-player Raid series, Ultimate Raids, Patch updates, PvP updates, and Blue Mage. A new Alliance Raid series called “Echoes of Vana’diel” has been announced and it is connected to Final Fantasy XI.

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Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail – Square Enix

New Regions:

Yak T’el: A heavy forest area with clear High elevations and Low elevations.

Urqopacha: A location of mountains and the ruins of the old empire.

Kozama’uka: A tropical area with rivers, streams, and waterfalls with the new Allied Tribe, the Moblins.

Shaaloani: A desert area with ceruleum resources and an expanding railroad.

Dungeons: New dungeons will be introduced with such environments as riverboat raids, daylight grottos, mountains of crystals giant purple crystals, etc. In concept art, concepts of ruins and subterraneous complexes are represented, as well as technologically advanced-such as research facilities.

Graphical Updates: The graphical enhancements that have been made include changes in texture, better shadows, and even higher quality of different materials used in the game​.

Lifestyle Content: Multiplayer “lifestyle” additions, new/different PvP modes, new variant Dungeons, relationships, and whatnot. Perhaps surprisingly, you can get married in Final Fantasy XIV Online!

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Indeed, players of “Final Fantasy XIV Online” can wed, only via the “Eternal Bonding” event. This feature enables the player together with another player to engage in a wedding of their specification in the Sanctum of the Twelve. Depending on the desire of the couple, it can be very formal or less formal, with or without sponsors, with different vows, different dresses, different rituals, etc. There are three different ceremony plans: Standard, Gold, and Platinum. Each of them provides distinct degrees of freedom and bonuses.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail – Square Enix


Setting and Plot: The title of the game is “Dawntrail” which brings players into the new continent of Tuliyollal where they are invited by a Hrothgar, Wuk Lamat. The plot consists of supporting Wuk Lamat in winning the Rite of Succession to the throne and simultaneously in finding a city of gold. While the expansion itself is focused on a more “summer vacation” type of atmosphere, this may not be everyone’s preference.

Job Updates: Sustained job balance changes and fresh actions are added to numerous classes: adjustments to the total amount of harm; easier management of the recast time; and new skills for jobs like Ninja, Samurai, Reaper, and new jobs like Viper, Pictomancer, and others. All these updates are said to help with the flow established in gameplay as well as the strategies applied in the fighting scenes​.

PvP Changes: New PvP actions and new jobs as well as changes to existing ones and new updates to existing maps have been done while some are in the pipeline. Viper and Pictomancer also have their own PvP skills and mutlak khusus. Ongoing battle pass for, IS4: Crystalline Conflict’s ranked matches come with pre-season with cooked-up ranking and tiers​.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail – Square Enix


Whatever you had to be ready with before playing Final Fantasy 14 is all above! Make sure you are ahead of all. Remember, there are hardly any tricks or tips of FFIV that would help you out because every world is different and every game would be a new adventure. Just count on your skills. Good Luck!