Which Heart Of Iron 4 Player Type Are You Quiz
Do you plan to live a second life in the Hearts of Iron IV game? Great, but first you must look out what HOI4 nation should you choose. No one can decide their nation and gaming style in this game and hence trust the 100% accurate HOI4 Quiz. Why don’t you try as well!!!
The HOI4 game has definitely pleased the majority of gamers around the world. The game is long with the solo game reaching more than forty-three hours of gameplay. Hearts of Iron IV is a pretty detailed game that works with global time. The main interest in the game is due to the fact that it covers World War 2 and takes place somewhere around 1936 or 1939 and ends in 1950.
Most players are found saying that playing HOI4 is more like a second life which can be enjoyed solo and with friends in the multiplayer mod as well. Fans get to pick the nation of their choice and show their patriotism. If you wish to play this game like a pro then you must strategize well or else it would be hard to pass the obstacles. The first thing you must do is track which Hearts of Iron IV nation are you!

Hearts of Iron IV - Paradox Interactive
The gameplay of HOI4 is pretty notorious because of its extremely huge map and a long list of nations that can be chosen. Whatever nation you select, you have to control its naval forces, aerial forces, and ground forces. Plus, you have to keep in focus the weapons, infantry, tanks, warplanes, warships, etc (remember you are in a situation of war!). Elements like equipment, the weather, the type of terrain, the skill, and traits affect the game and stop you from winning. Your task is to take over more and more land which is divided into regions termed as Provinces and Tiles. These Provinces (tiles) combine to form a “State.” If you are able to take over a majority of the states and the ones which are most influential then of course you win.
Everything that you do and every decision that you take will influence the world. So, keep in mind that you would, directly and indirectly, be responsible for whatever happens on Earth. If the gamer plays aggressively then there would be more wars and if turn towards more of a diplomatic approach then maybe you’ll save many people from dying.
Often gamers get confused between the four ideologies democratic, fascist, communist, and non-aligned. It is difficult to decide what HOI4 style/ideology to choose. We’ll help you out! First, try and understand what is the concept behind each.

Hearts of Iron IV - Paradox Interactive
The democratic approach does not allow you to go to war and work on many warships. The players need to be very vigilant as there is a thin line between defensive and attacking approaches. Plus, you can’t take over any state or province for benefits. In this ideology, you need to focus on the economy and welfare of your people.
A fascist government can employ negative ways for the sake of its advantages. For instance, they initiate a war for no such reason other than the fact that they wish to take most from every place. They have a developed ideology and are only in favor of their own nation. Nothing else matters to them.
Communism can help the country to grow though slow in pace but in a stronger way. They have influential alliances and can initiate war as well along with them. Being communist has many advantages and disadvantages.
Have you heard the word “Neutral?” The non-aligned approach follows this world blindly. Gamers shall not enter a war in any way. Neither can they attack a country nor can they sides; either oppressed or depressed. The government only seeks its advantages and doesn’t give attention to what happens in other countries.
Germany is one of the most powerful nation in HOI4. You also must be aware that Germany is the one that played the most vital role in WW2. Its ruler Adolf Hitler employed fascist rule. So, you can go ahead with your ruling benefits and take over lands which can make you more strengthened. However, here it must be kept in mind that Germany already would have a strong system that has a well-established economy, technology, and warships. So, as a beginner, it’d be perfect for you.
United States of America
The USA is another great power in the game that rules with democracy and is powered by great industrialization. The workforce is never ending and the economy boosts because of that. You can pick whatever ideology you like and have strong and trusted allies behind your back. It is ruled by Franklin D. Roosevelt but we would suggest you to choose the USA and rule it your way!
If you really want some healthy challenges other than war then pick China. This country was not a superpower then (like today!). Its leader Mao Zedong employed communist rule in China and the period after WW2 was when it rose to prominence. You would have a massive workforce but nothing would be much polished. Play as China and draw its fate.
According to the Hearts of Iron IV Test, you should choose Nicoleto Zamora’s Spain. This country isn’t at the point where Germany and The US are but that would be your test to do it. In actual, Spain is a Non-aligned state so think about the ways through which you can make it the best country in the world in the HOI4 game.
- Whoever plays the HOI4 game knows that there are no other countries more powerful than Germany, USSR, and The US.
- As a champ, you are aware that these nations played the most vital role in WW2.
- Go ahead with your ruling benefits and take over lands which can make you more strengthened. These nations already have a strong system that has a well-established economy, technology, and warships. Your planned strategies make you a Champion!

Champions - Hearts of Iron IV
- You think like an achiever and you know exactly how to move the winds to turn things your way.
- Your frequently picked nations are Switzerland, Portugal, Mexico, France, etc.
- It must be mentioned here that you do not follow quantity, instead you go for quality. This is why you pick smaller but fun nations for the game.

Achievers - Hearts of Iron IV
- Strugglers wish for some healthy challenges other than war and so pick minor powers like China, Greece, Poland, etc.
- These countries were not superpowers in the period after WW2 hence the player in HOI4 who want a slow game opt these countries.
- Strugglers try to have a massive workforce as nothing is much developed in these countries.
- These type of players invest a lot of time and still the sword of defeat keeps hanging over their heads.

Strugglers - Hearts of Iron IV
- According to the Hearts of Iron IV Test, you choose Spain, Costa Rica, Haiti, Luxem, etc.
- These nations aren’t at the point where Germany and The US are but you still pick them because you’re more interested in losing everything.
Your focus is not in winning HOI4 because if was then you wouldn’t have chosen these countries.

Losers - Hearts of Iron IV
According to our deep research on HOIV, we have found out that there are usually 3 types of players:
- Gamers who prefers to play as the top major countries like Germany, USSR...
- Gamers who prefers to play as the minor neutral countries like Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, etc. (most probably this is where they live or where they have born)
- Gamers who prefers to play as the hardest countries like Ethiopia, Poland which are going to be defeated 99%. (same as above, these players also choosing them mostly according to where they live or where they have born)
The HOI4 Trivia is all set to drive you to your destination where you’d find out which HOI4 nation would be perfect for you. So, it’s best that you answer the Hearts Of Iron IV Nations Kin Quiz before starting the HOI4 game.