How Far Can You Go In Gravitar: Recharged Quiz
Gravitar: Recharged has just been released last month and the new wave of energy can be felt! Come on, answer the Gravitar: Recharged Quiz, and check how far can you go in Gravitar: Recharged game!
There are many gamers who are ready to revive their past memories with Gravitar: Recharged. The past games of the Gravitar sequel were good but playing this one which has been created by keeping the next-level technology is worth it. However, before you step into the game, why don’t you answer some interesting 15 questions of the Gravitar: Recharged Test to know how well you’ll play the game? Don’t forget that our 99.99% accurate quiz would predict how far you would go in Gravitar: Recharged game as well. Let’s see what our quiz reveals about you.

Gravitar: Recharged - Atari
As soon as the game starts, you would perceive spaceships, planets, lasers, cannons, etc on the screen, There is no choice of class or character in the game. Gravitar: Recharged takes charge in a facile manner and offers players two main game modes; “Arcade Mode” and “Missions.” Here the players can decide what Gravitar: Recharged mode to choose. In Arcade Mode, things are open for exploration and gamers need to travel to various solar systems and planets. Basically, you would have to travel to planets and destroy the facilities made there. It won’t be easy as each planet is secured by laser beams that can hit and you’ll die.
The Missions mode is more fun (according to us!). There are total 24 missions In Gravitar: Recharged, if you win them all then you can end the game but it’s just like going into space without any help. Gamers are granted three lives and each life has a shield that gets destroyed in the first hit and then the players need to save themselves in order to save their life. Remember, each planet has a different gravity and force to pull. Tip! It can be in any direction of the screen so stay alert.
If you ask us, we’ll say it’s a good game and worth the time. Actually, the right word to define Gravitar: Recharged is that it is nostalgic bringing back the time of the 80s to your mind with the spark of innovation. It is hard to master, plus the advantage of having Co-op in Gravitar: Recharged was never thought to be possible but it is now! But, trust us, having coordination in it isn’t easy at all. The game is available and we think that this sequel has the best Gravitar: Recharged modes to try so hurry up and check out the game!
Have a look at the results of the Gravitar: Recharged Quiz as you might get one of them.

Can You Pass All Levels Of Gravitar: Recharged
Hahaha, sorry but our Gravitar: Recharged Success Predictor has revealed that you won’t be able to pass even a single mission out of 24! This is bad indeed, but we urge you to at least try in order to enhance your skills. This result shows that you don’t have much interest in the game and this is why you might lose in the initial go.

Hmm, neither bad nor good! You would start the game with good enthusiasm but we can’t see you going very far. Probably you’ll be able to reach the beginning levels and would be out before crossing the fifth one. That’s okay, after some practice we know you will do better and make progress.

Good going! You are a competent and capable gamer. We can see that you will play impressively even on your first try and within one hour you will be entering level 10 or above. Your passion for gaming drives you and this is why you are this good.

OMG! What do you eat? 1 out of many gets to have this result and trust us, those are the pro players. We can see it in your eyes that no game is difficult for you and you comprehend games within minutes. It is visible that you will finish Gravitar: Recharged in no time at all!

Have you also tried Capcom Arcade games? If yes, then let the world know how good are you at them with the Capcom Arcade Game Quiz!
The Gravitar: Recharged Success Predictor is just below! Click START to enter it and within a few questions, you’ll know whether you are competent enough to play it or not.