Which Hades Character Are You Quiz
This is the defining moment in your life as it would unveil “Which Hades character are you?” Grab the Best Hades Character Quiz to figure it out.
The storyline of Hades is can be defined by one word that is “Escape”. Yes, trust us, this is the very essence and extract of the game. Zagreus (a god himself) is the son of Hades (Zagreus’ father and a mighty Underworld god). He just wants to be out of Underworld, seek the world for himself, and meet the gods that reside outside of the Underworld. His rude and dominant father won’t allow this and so Zagreus decides to flee. However, that won’t be facile as you be chained and even killed. Not to worry, you’ll reborn again in a few seconds and this keeps repeating until you manage to escape.

Hades - Supergiant Games
As you are already aware that the game is all about fleeing alive, and staying alive is not such a problem. Hades allows you to explore four different dungeons, one after another. You must keep in mind that they unlock by your effort and the far you go the more you see. Hence, Tartarus, Asphodel, Elysium, and the Temple of Styx add most of the twist to the story. Each one carries different and tougher bosses. It’s arduous to beat them but not impossible. On your way, your friends would help you with their boons so make sure you have the most strengthened ones along. You have to fight your way out of each room with your weapon and powers. If you think you are sulking behind then upgrade your powers and abilities to perform better.
You might be aware that there are several Greek gods in Hades. Some are nice and helping while others are opposing bosses who won’t let you escape. How do you think you’ll tip your nose to dwell on them all? Well, there is no need as you can enjoy the list below that ranks the “Most Anticipated Gods in Hades” without any hassle.

Hades Characters - Supergiant Games
Zagreus as the main character of the game has many amazing powers but the one we admire the most is his immortality. It’s something never seen before. Zagreus is not completely immortal and dies but then lives again. Well, this is because we all play as him and he fights everyone in order to escape the Underworld. He might not seem mighty like several other gods but his determination helps him reach victory.
Nothing is impossible, right? This is why you are Zagreus. Haha, you aren’t a god of course, but like, Zagreus you are a free bird and whoever tries to manipulate or cage you, you show them your tricks. Wink!

Zagreus - Hades
Hermes possesses the speed of light. No one can catch him and to be honest, the guy-god doesn’t desire war. He’s just a messenger who delivers messages from one god to other. His speed is the best thing! Imagine, if no one can catch you then how would they kill you? Devil planning, right?
More like Hermes, you mean no harm to whosoever and peace pleases you. You try not to come in anyone’s way and like to play safe. Basically, it’s your way of living life your way.

Hermes - Hades
Mind if we call Athena the “Luck Lady”? No doubt that this goddess makes the game so much easier. She can deflect, divert, and defend us from almost every reaching threat. The way danger is displaced is actually astonishing. Her powers are fantastic and there is no way anyone can get over Athena’s extreme abilities. Her character flaunts how well she plans and executes her cognitive abilities.
You make great use of your brain and the success you’ve achieved up till now in life is thanks to it. The point is, you are well aware of which of your attribute should be employed where. Trust us, not everyone has this capability.

Athena - Hades
Artemis is a very friendly goddess although she is associated with Hunting. Her love and passion for loving animals is evident in her eyes. Artemis is quick and cunning and can beat anyone with her bow and arrow tricks. We must add here that her character in the game is a bit shy but very intellectual. With Artemis, no one can go astray!
It is miraculous how you patiently handle everything. It is something that makes all a bit envious. You always employ your experimental skills and bring about a great new side to everything. You know well how to make the best of everything.

Artemis - Hades
Hey, you are a pretty damn killer game! We definitely mean this in a very good way because you have a very close resemblance to Dionysus. He is a god and he has powers, but he rather wouldn’t fight at all. Like you, Dionysus prefers to stay back, watch all the adventures, and party. Yes, he’s hardly in the war although he has so much potential. Well, what can be done if Dionysus isn’t interested? He likes to smile and live every moment with some action around.
You are a fun person to be around. It is something very clear about your gaming skills. You don’t like the hassle and play safe by employing your gaming skills. You really enjoy what you do, right!

Dionysus - Hades
Do you have any idea about which Smite god are you? Why don't you check out your place with the Smite God Quiz in just one click!
Why are you still hanging on to the question of what Hades character are you? Get done with it quick and easy with the viral Hades God Quiz. It’s hardly going to take 3 minutes and after that, you can sight the Hades game in a completely new way! Count on that…